Webinar Script
Creating a webinar script is a key preparation step when planning the live broadcast of a webinar. It helps to ensure that all topics are covered, that you keep to the allotted time, and to ensure that the webinar is sufficiently interactive and engaging. A well-prepared webinar is less prone to errors, more interactive and makes presenting much easier for the speaker. Download our webinar script template to help you on your way.
Everything well thought out
The webinar script template describes in detail the course of the webinar from minute to minute. In the script template you can enter the following information for your own webinar:
- The scope of what is to be said
- Who says what
- The moments of interaction such as launching polls and dealing with questions
- Timing: how long will each of these parts last?
- Any comments
In this template you will also find some written examples, including a powerful introduction and conclusion. Additionally, we provide tips on how to best practice your presentation.