Communication with stakeholders
a.s.r. Nederland N.V. is a listed Dutch insurance group that is made up of the brands: a.s.r., the Amersfoortse, Europeesche Verzekeringen, Ardanta and Ditzo.a.s.r. started webcasting their AGM in 2018. The main reason for this was to give a broad international audience access to the AGM, since not everyone was able to be physically present. A webcast is a low-threshold medium for this.
Webcast experience
The reactions of the viewers / shareholders were positive. The webcast provided a good insight into the course of the AGM. During the AGM, an investor gave his compliments about the simultaneous translation into English. The webcast attracted a lot of visitors compared to the physical meeting. There were 64 external visitors physically present at the AGM, while the webcast, broadcast in both Dutch and English, attracted 158 viewers.
Open-access webcast
The webcast of the AGM is publicly available via the website of a.s.r., also for non-shareholders. This is a conscious choice, because a.s.r. is a transparent company. By making the AGM an open-access webcast in this way, non-shareholders also have the opportunity to see how the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board are accountable for the policy pursued. In addition, interested investors will get the opportunity to get to know a.s.r. better and gather information.
Bilingual webcast
The official language during the AGM was Dutch since a.s.r. is a Dutch company with a predominantly Dutch shareholder base. Moreover, Dutch is the official language of the company and the directors. However, with Company Webcast, a.s.r. was able to provide a simultaneous translation in English for all non-Dutch speaking interested parties.